What Is A Good Substitute For Dairy Powder?

Dairy powder

Dairy powder is a popular substance for both adults and infants. It’s basically the end result of milk being evaporated. Because it has a very low moisture content, dairy powder lasts for a very long time and doesn’t require storage in the fridge. It has a very long shelf life compared to liquid forms of milk. It can be reconstituted by mixing it with water and makes a great replacement for regular liquid milk in a lot of recipes which makes it great for bakers. Dairy powder is a very common ingredient to find in baking recipes, like cookies or chocolate because it makes for a rich, thick consistency. It’s very convenient for people who don’t always have liquid milk on hand but need to make something using milk. Unfortunately, dairy powder doesn’t agree with everyone, in the same way that normal milk doesn’t agree with everyone. So, here are a few substitutes you may consider. 

Liquid milk

If you for some reason can’t consume dairy powder than one of the most obvious substitutes is dairy powder. Dairy powder is just the evaporated form of regular cow’s milk. Unfortunately, it loses some of its original nutritional content and taste when it’s evaporated so many people prefer the liquid form.

Liquid almond, soy or oat milk

If you need a vegan or dairy-free option then almond, oat or soy milk can be a good alternative to powdered milk. You can usually substitute recipes that call for the powdered form with these products – generally 1 cup equals ¼ cup of the powdered form. Milks made from plants are known to provide a lot of nutrients and great flavour, so they can be an excellent substitute.

Powdered coconut

Powdered coconut can be a good alternative. It has the same kind of consistency and because it’s high in fat it makes a good alternative to whole milk. This is a popular option for soups and curry. Because of its fat content, powdered coconut can cause baked items to come out feeling heavier and denser. Coconut milk is vegan and has the added bonus of being lactose free. Certain brands however will contain sodium caseinate. You can usually substitute this equally in recipes that call for powdered milk.

Soy powder

Soy is another non-dairy option and has a similar shelf life to powdered milk. It’s very nutritionally similar to powdered milk and can usually be equally swapped in in recipes and baked goods. It’s a popular choice for adding a bit of extra milkiness to smoothies and protein bars.

Powdered rice

Rice flour is a popular option for people who eat a vegan diet or who are lactose intolerant or suffer from allergies to soy. It has a very long shelf life and can easily be substituted into recipes. It’s important to remember though that it tends to have a sweeter taste and is better in sweet recipes. Nutritionally, it is lower in carbs and fat than powdered milk. 

Cashew powder

Cashew powder is another popular alternative and is known for being nice and creamy. It is good in both sweet and savoury recipes but does tend to clump. It’s quite hard to find in stores but can usually be found online.

What to remember

Dairy powder is a very affordable and helpful ingredient to have on hand. It’s lightweight and lasts for a very long time which makes it a great thing to have around the house, especially if you like to bake on a regular basis. Have you tried it out yet in any recipes?